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Tuesday, April 1, 2014


In the midst of the struggles that we encounter 
along our life's journey,  seeking for truths and certainties 
in the seeming endless blows of questions and doubts,  
may we experience that deep trust in God 
who continually draws us closer
to the Life of our Triune God. 

May we constantly be reminded that 

our faith is not something that we possess, 
but something that we enter into 
a real dynamic relationship with God. 

Just like giving time and attention to our beloved partners, 

may we then be more patient, 
more generous with our time and attention, 
being more aware and more attuned 
to God's abiding presence in our lives each day.  
 May we then come to cultivate in our hearts
 that deep confidence in the groundedness 
of our relationship God, 
even jumping at the point of staking our lives on it.

May our hearts be more sensitive to the sacredness 
of both joy filled and painful revelations unveiling before our eyes 
and trust that what ultimately matters
is the growing intimacy of our relationship 
with our Ever Abiding and Ever Loving God
who accompanies us so closely on our life's journey.

May we always find the profound peace that we long for -
God is with us even in our deepest joys 
and in our most unfathomable sorrows.
God, too, rejoices and labors with us! 
Our dark nights, too, will pass...