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Our Ever-Loving and Compassionate God,
we give you praise and glory for sharing with us the gift of your Son 
and the Holy Spirit.

We thank you for being our Emmanuel, our "God who Dwells In and Among Us." 
We are grateful for our undeserved grace 
and for your continually drawing us closer to You. 
We trust that in following You in our lives, we would be always be seized 
and transformed by the power of your Spirit 
to become extensions of your blessings to our world, 
to our community, to our families and to our selves.

Enable us to respond to the needy 
with integrity, compassion and love 
and to always desire to be conduits of your grace to all people. 
Inspire us always, as we try to model our lives after your son, 
who emptied out Himself and who laid down our life for us. 
We surrender our entire selves to you
transform us closer to your image and likeness! 
Grant us the courage, the love and the grace that we need 
as we journey with one another in realizing your kingdom here on earth.

We ask all these this through Christ our Lord, 
who lives and reigns with the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.