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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

(Ps. 16) 
by Nan Merril, Psalm for the Praying: An Invitation to Wholeness

Remain ever before me, O Living Presence,
for in you am I safe.
You are my Beloved; 
In You and through You I can do all things!

I look to those who are One with You,
and learn from them of your ways.
My delight increases,
each time I sense your Presence within me!
Songs of Praise well up from my heart!

I bless the Counselor who guides my way;
in the night also my heart instruct me.
I walk beside the Spirit of Truth;
I celebrate the Light.
I bask in the Oneness of All!

Thus, my heart is glad, and my soul rejoices;
I shall not be afraid,
nor fall in the pit of despair;
For in Love's presence I know the fullness of joy.

You are my Beloved and in you will I live forever!