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Friday, October 19, 2012

Sunrise at Chicamauga Dam
This snapshot was entered in the 6th Annual Exhibit and Awards of the National Arts Program and CHI Memorial Health System recently held at Memorial Hospital - Chattanooga. This entry has won the First Prize Award in Photography Amateur Level. The original copy is ob displayed at the Rembrandt Hall of Memorial Hospital from October 2012 to September 2013.

May we always experience God's abiding love,
which is "all 'round us, embracing us all!"
- Meister Eckhart -


     "Rudolf Otto in his book, "The Idea of the Holy" says that when someone has an authentic experience of the Holy, they find themselves caught up in two opposite movements at the same time: mysterium tremendum and mysterium fascionosum, a scary mystery and a very alluring mystery. We both draw back from and are pulled forward into a kind of liminal space where we are not at home at all and yet totally at home for the perhaps the first time.

     In the mysterium tremendum, you know God as far and beyond - unreachable and beyond description! Here you experience God as dreadful and fearful, as one who has all the power, and in whose presence I am utterly powerless.  People at that stage tend to become overwhelmed by a sense of separation or alienation.  If you stop here, you either become an atheist, an agnostic, or a loyal but distant soldier. The defining of sin and sin management becomes the nature of religion.

     But simultaneously with this dimension is an opposite feeling of fascination, allurement, and seduction, a being pulled and drawn into something very satisfying and inviting. This is mysterium fascinosum.. If you only have the alluring part of this mystery you get merely sentimental and emotional religion, usually without any real social consequences ("Sweet Jesus," Christianity, as it sometimes called.). Otto says that if you don't have both, you have not have a true or full experience of The Holy." -  Richard Rohr, "Experiencing the Holy," RICHARD's DAILY MEDITATION, @ cac@cacradicalgrace.org