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Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Creation, on the human level, does not come from nothing.  Human creation has something to do the with the production of something that is new and different from what the subject has originally been created for.  We all know that only God can "create something out of nothing," as St. Thomas Aquinas has reminded us. We humans, on the other hand, can be God's co-creator, as we are all born with the creative and dynamic potentials as created beings made in the image of God. 

 I believe that in all of us, there is this God given gift of innate creativity.  I may not have enough
time, talent and resources like some gifted artists.  But I wonder how creative we all can be if we would be imaginative and expressive enough to capture the inexhaustible beauty around us. 

  May we all live inspired and always in awe and wonder!