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Monday, February 14, 2011

Energy Boosters

Feeling down? Maybe sensing that your life is at a stand still and/or stagnating? Maybe frustrated and need to have a new and life giving perspective and outlook in life? Here are some the helpful suggestions that may be useful for us to deepen our sense of awareness and appreciation of the God-given abundance of life that is all around us.  http://www.spiritualityandpractice.com/galleries/12energyboosters.html 

Or, sometimes these dryness are the just right moments for us to just stop running away or to just refrain from fixing our dryness  Maybe there is the wisdom in having to face head on this spiritual deadness and to acknowledge what this dryness is all about and what is it is teaching us. Sometimes, it is through these dry moments that the grace of God can break in through us and breathe new life in these dead areas of our lives! May be we just to acknowledge these dry moments, just like praying for our the "dry bones" in Ezekiel 37, and ask God to breathe his Spirit so we can be made whole again. Blessings!